How to: Reading Food Labels


There are hidden dangers and key ingredients to look for on every food product you consume.  Learn how to accurately read labels, including nutritional contents, ingredients, and FDA labeling. 

Gut Health, Sugar, and You! 102


A more in-depth look at gut health and sugar and how it affects your health with additional tips and details from the Gut Health, Sugar, and You 101 talk.   

This is the first in a series of on-site informational wellness-focused gut health Lunch & Learns for employees.

Gut Health, Sugar, and YOU! 101


Learn about gut health and sugar and how they affect all areas of your health. This topic also includes learning some tips to make healthier eating choices.

This is the first in a series of on-site informational wellness-focused gut health Lunch & Learns for employees.

Teachers’ Summer Symposium – June 15

Teachers – join us for the 2nd annual Summer Symposium at the CCAC Allegheny Campus in Pittsburgh, PA. The Symposium features keynote speaker Bonnie Artman Fox from A Conscious Choice, LLC and a full morning of speakers, breaks with vendors and an afternoon lunch.

Employee Safety: Active Shooter Training

Active Shooter Training

This SmartCare Session is a two-hour presentation that gives employees concrete tactics for responding to violence in the workplace. Participants will have the opportunity for discussion and Q & A on “Violence in the Workplace, How to Respond.” This presentation will be held during a two-hour session that will cover the following topics:

Feng Shui for the Office

Have you ever used Feng Shui at home or been curious to learn what it is all about? Feng Shui is the practice of arranging your office work zones to produce positive energy flow that can lead to happier employees and a more peaceful and productive workplace.