February is Heart Health Month

Remember these 5 topics to make positive changes to the behaviors that contribute the most to your health and wellbeing. We all have areas in life that we need to improve. Take baby steps and focus on just one area at a time until you’ve learned the best way for you to make healthy choices.

November Wellness: Great American Smokeout


November 16 is the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout. Take time this month to formulate your quitting plan or help someone who wants to quit smoking. Since 2002, the number of former smokers has been greater than the number of current smokers. If you want to quit, you can be one of the good statistics! If you know someone who wants to quit, you can help that person become a statistic, too!

October Wellness: Breast Cancer Awareness Month


October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month This monthly employee newsletter, plus more resources, are available 24/7 to all of our Pathways Portal online program members.  Learn more about taking your entire wellness program and incentive reward system online: Pathways Portal Online Employee Wellness Management  Breast cancer: In the U.S., breast cancer is the second most common […]

September Wellness: Fruits & Veggies: More Matters!


Studies tell us we can improve our health now and in the future if we do this one simple thing: eat more fruits and vegetables. It’s not a gimmick or a pill. It’s not like one of those infomercials that promise to throw in something extra if we order in the next fifteen minutes. It’s real, it’s easy and it can help make us feel better today and in the future.

May Wellness: Melanoma Awareness Month


This monthly employee newsletter, plus more resources, are available 24/7 to all of our Pathways Portal online program members.  Learn more about taking your entire wellness program and incentive reward system online: Pathways Portal Online Employee Wellness Management  May is Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the […]

April Wellness: Plant a Victory Garden!

  GROW ON, GIVE GARDENING A TRY! “The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” Alfred Austin, the English poet, painted this picture with words in the 1800s. That couldn’t be truer today. A […]

This March, Make a Fresh Start

There’s something compelling about phrases like “A Fresh Start,” “Getting Back to Basics” and “Rediscovering our roots.” When it comes to eating well, these phrases are often associated with fresh, crisp vegetables; juicy, ripe fruit and a certain glow that tells you (and everyone else) your body appreciates wholesome foods.

Be Intentional with New Year’s Goals & Resolutions

January. It’s a time of clearing out, cleaning up and getting organized. We realign our priorities and make promises to ourselves for positive change. We decide what needs to change and we make the promise to do it. We believe ourselves. We want to succeed. But sticking to it – now that’s the challenge and often we are denied the sweet taste of success. To make the outcome different, our approach to the challenge has to be different.