Liz kanche
Vice President & Healthcare Consultant
Since 2002,Liz has been working with employers to develop wellness programming for their employees.Her client partners span across several industries including Education, Manufacturing, Distribution, Health care, Social Services, Advertising, Finance and more.
Her expertise lies in quickly identifying the needs of a population and matching up the most appropriate programs and services to reach wellness goals. Liz’s current focus is working with brokers, employers and insurance companies to design ACA compliant incentive campaigns and programming to go along with reaching wellness goals – of both the company and individual.
In addition to her extensive work in wellness design and programming, Liz became a licensed insurance broker in 2012 and was appointed with several insurance companies to sell Medicare Advantage, Medigap and Prescription Drug Plans.
Phone: 412-563-7854
Christine Cusick
Medical Billing Manager
Christine as a BS in Marketing and has organized health fairs and helped with Farm to Table programs. Currently she works as a Billing Specialist maximizing account receivables, inventory management and credentialing.
Phone: 412-563-7084
Additional Staff
Erin Willoughby – Billing Coordinator
Lynn Hagan – Financial Administrator
Bob Hagan – President