Lunch and Learns

What are Lunch and Learns?

Lunch and learns, also known as “brown bag seminars” or “lunchtime learning sessions,” are a popular workplace initiative designed to promote continuous learning and professional development among employees. By offering these sessions, employers can demonstrate their commitment to employee development, enhance job satisfaction, and foster a learning culture within the organization.

Experts in Wellness and other training topics engage your employees online or in person during a single Lunch & Learn – or a series of 4, 6 or 12.  Pathways offers surveys following the event to gather feedback from the session.  Online events may be hosted on Pathway’s Zoom platform or an outside platform. 

Pathways Lunch and Learns can be presented on-site or virtually.

Pathways is an approved provider of ACT 48 Credits in the State of Pennsylvania.

Topics Include:

• Explores the basics of building financial security, including managing debt, growing savings, and safeguarding against risk and unexpected events.  Learn how to build your “financial house”, starting from the foundation, protecting what you have, building up savings, preparing for college savings and retirement and how using a tax strategy can help you achieve your goals.  Planning for the future now can help you achieve your goals in retirement, save as much as possible, and look at ways to pass a legacy to your loved ones.  

Session Examples: 

• Top 10 Nutrition Myths: Debunking Diet Trends

• Nutrition for Optimal Metabolism

• Fight Inflammation with the Power of Food

• The 5 Nutritional Habits of Very Vital People – Practice New Habits to Retain Vitality

• Nourishing Longevity: Habits to Fuel a Fulfilling Life


• Self-Awareness, Thoughts, Distortions, and Optimism

• Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

• It is Okay to Not be Okay

• Resistance to Change

• Social Stress: De-escalating Triggering Events

• Understanding and Reducing Stress Daily

• Elevate Your Mood: Using Exercise and an Active Lifestyle to Manage Depression, Anxiety, and Stress

• Developing Proper Life Balance

• Creating a Culture of Positivity and Growth

• Everything is on Fire: Understanding and Overcoming Burnout in the Workplace

• Turning Leaders into Mentors – How to Prepare the Next Generation of Leaders

• The Less Stress Workplace: For Leadership

• A Unique and Practical Guide to Implementing Workplace Wellbeing Programs

• Worthless Wellness: 7 Reasons your Employees do not Engage in your Wellness Programs

• Understanding Behavior Change: To Promote Positive Mental Health



• Preventing Disease

• Boosting your Metabolism

• Brain Health and Sleep

• Healthy Habits: A Journey to Sustainable Well-Being

• Unveiling the Health and Vitality Blueprint for an Enjoyable 100-Year Life

• Heat Safety (3o min)

• Dangers of Stress and Fatigue in the Workplace (60 min)

• Healthy Coping: Managing Stress in Healthy Ways – Substance Abuse Workshop (30 min)

People are busy. Grab and go snacks can help maintain energy, recovery, and health. Meal preparation can be simplified to meet your needs and goals. We’ll cover a range of ideas to help everyone find something they may be willing to incorporate

Tips to set nutrition and health goals you’ll want to meet – Goal setting should be personalized and realistic. Especially when it comes to something as individualized as nutrition. We’ll discuss a range of tips for setting realistic nutrition goals that help frame expectations and set people up to succeed. 

What you eat and when you eat it can influence the quality of your sleep. Case Specific will identify the nutrition habits that can have the largest, positive impact on your sleep quality so that you can pick the suggestions you want to incorporate. 

Case Specific Nutrition will cover nutrition and lifestyle tips which can help reduce stress in general as well as the stress associated with “being healthy.” The goal of the presentation will be to explain how the things you eat affect stress while also providing a range of tips that can improve overall health and reduce stress. 

  • Understanding common gut health conditions and nutrition tips for maintaining a healthy (and happy) gut microbiome.

Nutrition is meant to be personalized. Nutrition myths add to an already confusing topic. We debunk common nutrition myths and invite the group to ask about any they’ve heard.

American’s drink an average of 30 oz of water per day, but need more to maintain their health. We provide tips for better hydration and highlight the benefits of maintaining your hydration.

  • Nutrition is fundamental to recovery. We’ll help identify the types of foods that help reduce pain and inflammation while highlighting convenient ways to incorporate more of these foods into everyone’s day to day eating. 

We discuss nutrition fundamentals like macronutrients and focus on how to make informed nutrition decisions that are sustainable.

Includes education on blood sugar, prediabetes, and diabetes, why blood sugar is important to everyone regardless of whether they have, or are at risk of developing, prediabetes or diabetes. 

Additional Topics:

  • Nutrition Myths and Misinformation
  • Simple ways to boost energy
  • Eat the Rainbow
  • Fiber is your Friend
  • Weekly Wellness Planning
  • Nutrition for an Active Lifestyle
  • Fueling your body for a long workday
  • Measuring Portions and Meal Planning
  • Anti Diet for Active Women
  • Managing cravings and emotional eating
  • Food Freedom
  • Diabetes 101
  • Introduction to Intuitive Eating
  • Making healthier food choices while on the go
  • There’s more to Nutrition than what you Eat
  • Sleep, Stress, and Self Care
  • Sports nutrition 101
  • Hydration: Ways to increase Water Intake
  • Fad diets & trends: Do they work?
  • Supplements 101
  • Staying healthy while working from home
  • General Nutrition 101
  • Disease prevention and management