Turning 65?
A question I’m commonly asked is – I’m turning 65! Do I need to enroll in Medicare?
The answer is – it depends.
If you are on a group employer plan or your spouse’s group employer plan that has more than 20 employees, do you do not need to enroll in Medicare A or B.
If you are not contributing to a Health Savings Account, you may choose to enroll in Medicare Part A through the Federal Govt, via the Social Security website. Part A will be $0 and may be used as additional hospital coverage, if you choose.
Once you lose employer coverage, you will then have a Special Enrollment Period to enroll in Medicare Parts A & B through the Federal Govt, and choose a Medicare Advantage or Medigap plan. The recommended time frame for this process is 3 months, but could be done in about 4-6 weeks.
When you know your anticipated retirement date, be sure to confirm your last day of coverage so that you can line up A & B to begin the first day of the next month.
Check out the article from CMS.GOV in the comment link.
#turning65 #medicare