Healthy Holidays


The holidays are a tough time to try to keep your mind on keeping your healthy habits. Finding a way to fit into the right choices, while de-stressing this time of the year is key.

Heart Health


Because the heart is at the center of our circulatory system, it’s best to know the ways to keep it healthy and going strong.

The Happiness Factor


Discover the benefits of happiness – how it makes you healthier, smarter and younger! 

November Wellness: Great American Smokeout


November 16 is the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout. Take time this month to formulate your quitting plan or help someone who wants to quit smoking. Since 2002, the number of former smokers has been greater than the number of current smokers. If you want to quit, you can be one of the good statistics! If you know someone who wants to quit, you can help that person become a statistic, too!

October Wellness: Breast Cancer Awareness Month


October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month This monthly employee newsletter, plus more resources, are available 24/7 to all of our Pathways Portal online program members.  Learn more about taking your entire wellness program and incentive reward system online: Pathways Portal Online Employee Wellness Management  Breast cancer: In the U.S., breast cancer is the second most common […]

September Wellness: Fruits & Veggies: More Matters!


Studies tell us we can improve our health now and in the future if we do this one simple thing: eat more fruits and vegetables. It’s not a gimmick or a pill. It’s not like one of those infomercials that promise to throw in something extra if we order in the next fifteen minutes. It’s real, it’s easy and it can help make us feel better today and in the future.

Eating Clean & Cleaning Out Your Pantry


Nutrition SmartCare Session Eating Clean & Cleaning Out Your Pantry We will review the basics of eating clean, stocking your fridge and pantry with the foods that will keep you eating clean for the long run. Contact Pathways to SmartCare Use our contact form to schedule a Lunch & Learn for your employees. About Pathways […]

Steps to Cutting Out Sugar


Sugar is more addictive than cocaine. This SmartCare session gives you the tools you need to help you cut out the sugar and ease into sugar-free lifestyle. It can be done!

Foods to Avoid


In this wellness education session, your employees will learn what foods to choose and which ones to avoid in order to achieve an overall healthy lifestyle.

How to: Reading Food Labels


There are hidden dangers and key ingredients to look for on every food product you consume.  Learn how to accurately read labels, including nutritional contents, ingredients, and FDA labeling.