November Wellness: Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

Did you know that your mood can affect your eating habits and vice versa? If you want to avoid emotional eating that leads to weight gain, it is important to understand the delicate relationship between food and mood. Understanding “Mind-less” Eating Habits It is common to crave high-calorie, unhealthy foods when you are stressed or […]

September Wellness: Fruits & Veggies: More Matters!


Studies tell us we can improve our health now and in the future if we do this one simple thing: eat more fruits and vegetables. It’s not a gimmick or a pill. It’s not like one of those infomercials that promise to throw in something extra if we order in the next fifteen minutes. It’s real, it’s easy and it can help make us feel better today and in the future.

Get closer to your food

Mindful Eating wellness program

Together we explore & troubleshoot all the areas where mindlessness gets in the way of healthy eating and show you how to get conscious about food.