September Wellness: Focus on Preventive Health

Preventive Health Let’s face it, our lives are busy. Some aspects of our health may fall by the wayside due to family and work commitments. We know it is important to work on daily lifestyle habits like sleep, nutrition, and exercise. It is equally important to stay on top of your preventive health. What are […]
April Wellness: Focus on Sleep Health

The Stages of Sleep Sleep is incredibly complex and has an impact on virtually all systems of the body. Within a minute after falling asleep, notable changes start to affect both your brain and body. All of these changes that happen during sleep are connected with your physical, emotional, and mental health. You should get […]
January Wellness: Focus on Resilience

The Importance of Resilience What is resilience? Resilience is the ability to positively adapt in the face of risk and adversity. There is a wide range of adverse experiences like the loss of a loved one or living in a pandemic. They can also be something less significant like missing a flight or stubbing your […]
Focus on: Work-Life Integration

Finding Balance & Preventing Burnout COVID-19 has had a major impact on the emotional well-being of the workforce. A common term used to describe this impact is “burnout.” Burnout is a reaction to stress from work. Exhaustion, negativity towards your work, and feeling a lack of accomplishment are 3 common traits of burnout. Burnout can […]
October Wellness: Focus on Musculoskeletal Health

The Importance of Mobility When it comes to getting started on any exercise routine, mobility is often overlooked for the more challenging components associated with strength and conditioning. However, poor mobility can cause unnecessary setbacks in your well-being journey. It can lead to aches, pains, and even injuries that can derail a healthy lifestyle. A […]
September Wellness: Focus on Preventive Health

Did you know that people with a primary care provider (PCP) often spend less time in the hospital? A PCP plays an important role in your healthcare. A long-term relationship with a PCP may help you stay healthy and lower your
medical costs in the long run.
August Wellness: Focus on Financial Health

An Element of Your Wellbeing About half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, not leaving much room to plan for emergencies. This makes it hard to be prepared for the unexpected, like when you drive to work but your muffler stays at home. It’s important to be financially prepared for emergencies, but your financial wellness […]
July Wellness: Focus on Environmental Awareness

Unplug & Recharge with Nature Our smartphones are glued to our hands and seem to be a permanent extension of who we are. We have the option to stay connected 24/7. With many different screens dividing our attention, it’s easy to forget one important connection – a connection with nature. Spending at least 120 minutes […]
June Wellness: Focus on Brain Health

A healthy lifestyle now may help in the future. Our life choices create patterns that help our brains code our thoughts and memories. The choices you make now have short-term and long-term effects on your brain health. Growing evidence suggests that adopting key lifestyle habits may reduce the risk of mental decline that is common […]
April Wellness: Focus on Sleep Health

A good night’s sleep can empower your body to recover and help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. Unfortunately, many people don’t get the rest that they need. Sleep issues affect people of all ages and can have a negative impact your health. One way to improve your sleep […]