August Wellness: Nature & Well-being

Nature Improves Health & Well-being Imagine this: sparkling aqua blue waves sweep over a soft golden shore as the scent of an ocean breeze fills the air. A lush waterfall flows by vibrant emerald green ferns and careens over shiny black river rocks. On a stroll through the woods, snowflakes land peacefully on your shoulders […]
October Wellness: Musculoskeletal Health

Mobility, a tool for injury prevention People from all walks of life often overlook the importance of mobility. Mobility is how well you walk or move. It is important for both physically active workers and deskbound workers to pay attention to tight joints. Your concerns are unique to the type of daily movement you are […]
September Wellness: Preventive Health

Pillars to optimal health When you think of a healthy lifestyle, you might focus on exercise and nutrition. Make sure you are considering other habits that help prevent disease as well. Check out these often-forgotten pillars to optimal health below: Preventive care Stay up to date on wellness exams including yearly physicals and dental and […]
September Wellness: Focus on Preventive Health

Preventive Health Let’s face it, our lives are busy. Some aspects of our health may fall by the wayside due to family and work commitments. We know it is important to work on daily lifestyle habits like sleep, nutrition, and exercise. It is equally important to stay on top of your preventive health. What are […]
Update to Covid 19 Related Services

Pathways Wellness Program, LLC has extensive experience in offering onsite immunization clinics and is planning to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We will be offering Immunization Events at our South Hills office as well as our client’s locations, where appropriate, and public events. Read More about our Specific Covid-19 Related Services Pathways has been actively involved […]
Teachers’ Summer Symposium – June 15

Teachers – join us for the 2nd annual Summer Symposium at the CCAC Allegheny Campus in Pittsburgh, PA. The Symposium features keynote speaker Bonnie Artman Fox from A Conscious Choice, LLC and a full morning of speakers, breaks with vendors and an afternoon lunch.
April Wellness: Plant a Victory Garden!

GROW ON, GIVE GARDENING A TRY! “The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” Alfred Austin, the English poet, painted this picture with words in the 1800s. That couldn’t be truer today. A […]
Happy Earth Day! Be Well & Treat the Earth Well

It is the 46th anniversary of Earth Day and now it is celebrated the entire month of April. Our health and the health of the earth are very closely related. Read on for tips to help you and the earth at the same time!
January is National Weight Loss Awareness Month

Weight loss is a hot topic throughout the year, but is especially present after the new year starts and resolutions to eat better, exercise more and maintain a healthier lifestyle abound. Give up trying this year! In the spirit of the latest Star Wars movie release, let’s take some advice from Yoda. “Do. Or do […]
Medicare Advantage Plan Guide: Free Lunch & Learn

Confused by all of the Medicare information being sent your way? Join us for an American HealthCare Group Lunch & Learn event at Panera, where registration and lunch are both free.